版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Our professional staff is well trained and can assist you in getting your loved one released from custody with a minimum amount of paperwork and time. You will only need to pay Taylor Bail Bonds a fraction of what the total bail amount would be and we will work with you on making financing arrangements if required.
Taylor Bail Bonds will also assist the defendant through every step of the process and go to great lengths to guide them through the legal system to make their bail experience easy to understand and comply with. Don't wait any longer, let us help you now!
Taylor Bail Bonds provides you the lowest possible rate. Ask us how!
Bail Check-in Feature:
-When you activate the check in/share location feature, the app will continuously collect and share your location even while running in the background.
-After you enter the registration received from your Bail Agent, the app will automatically send your current location to your Bail Agent.
-This works even in the background so you don't have to launch the app to notify your Bail Agent where you are.
-You can always disable background location reporting by unregistering your device on the Check-in feature screen.